Nanotechnologies Becoming More Popular among Applicants

NUST MISIS has summarized the results of the 2017 admission campaign.

According to the 2017 admission campaign results, the average Unified State Exam score of applicants enrolling in state-funded bachelor`s and specialist programs has increased by 2 points, and is now 82.7. The average competition has increase by 13 applicants per spot, rising to 16.8 in 2017. This year the most popular areas of studies for applicants are IT and nanotechnologies.

According to the 2017 admissions campaign, 633 applicants were enrolled in NUST MISIS`s 15 areas of studies. For the year, every 3rd student applying to NUST MISIS graduated high school with honors, and every 2nd student had a score of 240 or above for the Unified State Exam. Applicants with a high Unified State Exam score became candidates for a special scholarship named “Best MISIS — Creating the Future”, of which the minimum amount has increased to 180,000 Rubles a year.

In 2017, the competition for a number of NUST MISIS fields of studies reached 50 applicants per spot. For 2017 applicants the most popular colleges were the College of IT & Automated Control Systems (admissions competition reached 28.4 applicants per spot — in 2016 that number was 20.7 applicants), and the College of New Materials & Nanotechnology — 17 applicants per spot (in 2016 — 13 applicants). Freshmen from the colleges mentioned below also have an impressively high average Unified State Exam score —84.1 and 79.4 respectively.

The highest admission score, like in 2016, was in the “Applied mathematics” (College of IT & Automated Control Systems) field of study. It increase by 14 points — up to 264 points — compared to last year`s numbers. Two more leaders among average exam scores were “Applied information science” (247 points in 2016, 258 in 2017) and “Computer science” (246 points in 2016, 257 in 2017).

With this year’s admissions, the number of winners and medalists enrolled at NUST MISIS without placement testing has increase by 50%.

“Even more talented and qualified students are coming to study at NUST MISIS: the average Unified State Exam score of applicants applying to NUST MISIS programs has increased by 2 points — up to 82.7. 43% of applicants have individual achievements: victories in Olympiads, diplomas with honors, or a GTO golden mark. According to the results of our 2017 admission campaign, materials science, IT- and nanotechnologies have become the most popular fields; competition for some of them exceeded 50 applicants per spot”, said Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS.

The increase of applicant interest in the fields related to nanotechnologies became one of the most interesting tendencies of the 2017 admission campaign. Admission scores for such educational programs like “Electronics and nanoelectronics” (from 218 in 2016 up to 235 points in 2017), and “Nanotechnologies and Microsystems engineering” — from 211 to 225 — have significantly increased. The Unified State Exam average score for specialties of this area reached 81 points, and the competition reached up to 33.8 applicants per spot.