Panasonic Contributing in NUST MISIS Endowment Fund Development

Panasonic Russia has made a targeted contribution to the NUST MISIS Endowment fund in the amount of three million rubles. Revenues from management of this contribution will be used for the implementation of joint projects of the NUST MISIS and Panasonic in the field of energy conservation and robotics, as well as the introduction of new technologies into the learning process.

NUST MISIS has been cooperating with Panasonic for several years. At the University, innovative technology is constantly being introduced into the study process. Therefore, in 2012, Panasonic created a multimedia audience with a fully integrated system for monitoring and eco-visualization and equipment for video and audio quality. In the future, the company plans to develop cooperation with the academic Center for Energy Efficiency and Conservation, as well as to jointly carry out a variety of activities with NUST MISIS, such as round tables, conferences, and workshops.

“During our several years of cooperation our university and Panasonic have implemented a few joint projects in new learning technology designs, — said Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS. — Such as high-quality equipment, which the company has provided the university for multimedia audience, that allows for interactive lectures, presentations, and video conferencing. It is very important that the world-class company pays great attention to the educational activities of the university. The contribution to the endowment fund made by Panasonic, of course, will be a good stimulus for the further development of joint programs.”

Currently, Panasonic engineers working with Russian technicians from NUST MISIS design several co-learning centers, based on the active forms of learning that will be organized. The Panasonic Co-learning Center is an innovative training room that can be transformed by a variety of research and educational objectives. It is equipped with an optimal set of multimedia technical equipment for group work. Classes in this audience are to become more visible. In particular, the visual system allows using presentations and automated debriefing, as well as to demonstrate any text, graphics, and video. The project-oriented approach of the concept of such centers and the opportunities they provide will lead the educational process at the university to a new level and will strengthen the position of NUST MISIS as one of the leaders of engineering education in Russia.

"Our contribution to the development of the Endowment Fund at NUST MISIS confirms our desire for long-term cooperation with the University. We are very interested in the joint development of energy conservation, especially since they are now in demand in the present economy,"said Masato Nakamura, Vice President of Panasonic Russia.