Communications and International Public Relations

The English-language program “Communications and International Public Relations” is aimed at training specialists in the field of strategic communications in marketing and PR for technology startups and large hi-tech companies in Russia and at the international level.

Studying at one of the leading Russian technological universities allows you to immerse yourself in the field of science and technology, understand the specifics of the industry and gain experience in developing communication strategies for knowledge-intensive industries. Students get into an international environment and train their skills in cross-cultural teams from the first days of their studies.

of study

120 ECTS Full-time mode


Major # №45.04.02

Examination content

Tuition fee is 350 000 rubles per the 1st year (relevant for 2023/24 academic year).

Minimal entrance score is 40 points.

Ask us

Head of the program

Lilia Bondareva

PhD, Head of Department of Modern Languages and Communication sociological

+ 7 495 955-00-51

International Students Services

Li Elina Valerevna

Chief specialist in professional navigation and work with applicants

+7 499 649-44-09


We apply the principle of peer learning and collaborative project work on the program. The practical modules and internship support add to the competitive advantage. Study visits to partner companies and organizations are integrated in the curriculum.

We also enjoy a diverse international community and a variety of students’ backgrounds.

The key advantages of the program

Peer learning and collaborative project work
Practical modules and field expertise
Study visits and internship support
Diverse international student community

courses in marketing, management, cross-cultural communication, etc.

Research projects are dedicated to creating and defending marketing campaigns/strategies.

They are often related to the internship projects and students’ involvement in practical modules. Research projects include an analysis of communication strategy of a partner company, presentation of strategy, implementation of strategy and presentation of results. The defense committee consists of faculty members and invited experts from partner companies.

Fundamental training via core and required courses:

  • Corporate Communication

  • Communication Management
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Intercultural Communication

  • Corporate Culture
  • Financial Business Planning
  • Branding

  • Promotion of Innovation
  • Design in Public Relations
  • Methods of Research and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Projects in PR


elective modules enable students to tailor the program to their needs

Modern Press Office


Strategic Management

International Relations

Public Speaking Techniques

Practical Russian language course

Digital Communications

Student opportunities and employment

Every year students take part in competitions and conferences, publish their articles, enter internships in cooperation with leading partners of the program: ABBYY, IBM, SDL-Trados, AWATERA, Medialogy, Kaspersky Lab. Graduates hold managerial positions in technology companies as marketers, press secretaries, as well as employees of advertising agencies and communications and public relations departments.

Research supervisors

Lilia Bondareva

PhD, Head of Department of Modern Languages and Communication

Majors: International Relations and Communications

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

+ 7 495 955-00-51

Liudmila Minaeva

Professor, PhD and Doctor of Philology

Majors: English philology, speech communication, communication management, public relations

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

Polina Ermakova

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication Technologies

Majors: Human Studies and Sociology of Language

Supervision Plan: 1-2 students per year

Marcus Guest

Founder and CEO of PowerMaps

Majors: Promotion of Innovation

Aleksey Viktorovich Gorodischev

PhD, associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication Technologies

Majors: Strategic Marketing



When do you start accepting new applications?
What documents are required to apply?
What is the entrance exam?
What is minimum admission score?
What is the application deadline?
How can I apply?
How can I get scholarship?