Digital Production Materials and Technologies

Wide use of digital technologies in production and other areas of business generates new research and technical tasks. Our students learn to find universal solutions and create new products and tools: they program robots with computer vision, develop interactive stands and installations, create plastic materials from nettle, etc. The learning is based on practical approach, its main goal is to share most necessary skills in design, prototyping, programming and production. Our graduates are creative technical experts ready to face the challenges of the gradually changing world around. They are prepared to apply competencies from various fields to create and launch new high-tech products.

2 years of study

Full-time education in Russian

College of Technologies

Major # 15.04.02
Technological Machines & Equipment

380 000 ₽
Admission for International Students

Via e-mail:

Or you can do that personally by address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 6, block 3, room G-369 (College of Mining/G-building).

International Students Service +7 499 230-24-09


Alexey Solonin

PhD, Head of the Department of Physical Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals

+7 499 236-31-29

Vladimir Kuznetsov

Ph.D., director of FabLab


Other programs

Equipment and Technology Engineering Management

The program targets preparation of professionals in production technologies to create and maintenance the equipment. Special emphasis is made on modern software to develop and design engineering processes and machines. During the program the students explore new production technologies including equipment and 3D printers for additive technologies, automation systems and the product quality control; study the tools and production development methods. They receive the experience in the creation and modification of equipment for metal production being part of teams working on industrial customer orders and R&D projects.