NUST MISIS Scientists Receive Government Award of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists

A team of scientists at NUST MISIS consisting of Alexey Afanasyev, Andrey Ignatov, Olga Krivolapova, Elena Tarasova, and Svetlana Schurenkova (TSNIITMASH), was recognized by the Russian Federation Government with an award in the field of science and technology for young scientists for the development of the metallurgical technology of fibrous magnetic materials for innovative fabrics to ensure comprehensive protection of humans from external influences.

This unique new generation material is surpassing the degree of strength, durability, and levels of protection of all known world analogues. Experiments to create the fabric were supported by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and by order of the Ministry it has produced a pilot batch of protective clothing that will solve the important problem of comprehensive protection for humans under emergency situations. Following testing, the suit will be entered into mass production.

The research team from NUST MISIS was the youngest among all the laureates of the Russian Government Award this year and, most importantly, the only one which did not have an experienced leader and head. Among the 200 awardees there were only 11 women, three of which were from NUST MISIS.

According to the developers, they began to publish the first works on this subject in 2003 when they were graduate students in the Department of Nonferrous Metals and Gold. Initially, they planned to use the experimental material (fabric) in the defense complex to protect weapons and military equipment and the idea of its use in emergency situations occurred to them later. The path from the idea to the final result, which brought the award, took more than six years.

Currently, the scientists led by Vadim Tarasov, professor and head of the Department of Nonferrous Metals and Gold, continue to improve its unique fabric even for use in arctic conditions at the extremely low temperatures of the Far North.

All members of the scientific group expressed deep gratitude to the management board of NUST MISIS, College of Environmentally Sound Technologies, and the staff of the Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, whose members were actively helping young scientists and believed in their success. Moreover, they explicitly thanked Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS and Mikhail Filonov, professor and Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation for their support.