NUST MISIS Wins Megagrant for the Creation of Large-Size Solar Panels Based on Perovskites

NUST MISIS’s project for “Large-size semi-translucent solar panels with the use of stable perovskite architectures”, led by Aldo Di Carlo, Professor of Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, has won in the sixth contest in the Megagrant Program.

Metal-organic perovskites, as a class of compounds, are revolutionary in materials for optoelectronics and solar energy, and have brought the fields to new levels. The uniqueness of perovskites is in the new conversion mechanism of turning solar energy into electric energy with increased efficiency. The use of new materials will allow scientists to create solar panels that can fit on curved surfaces and even windows, making energy-efficient houses a reality despite the weather conditions in Russia.

Professor Di Carlo is widely known as a specialist in the field of large-size solar cells based on perovskites. His achievements are recognized by both the scientific (h-index=42) and business communities. His research results have been used for the creation of seven companies working in information and energy technologies, some of which promote partnerships between private and public organizations. He is also a Technical Director at Dyepower, a research company, dealing with the implementation of large-size solar cells.

“NUST MISIS scientists possess unique competencies in the field of perovskite solar cells. The most advanced of our developments in this field is now being prepared for production testing. The creation of the laboratory as part of the Russian Government’s Resolution 220, led by Professor Di Carlo, will allow us to implement several world-class breakthrough projects for the development of alternative energy sources, making it possible for Russia to significantly strengthen its position in the stand-alone generation market”, — said Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS.

Danila Saranin, one of the project participants and an engineer at the NUST MISIS Energy Efficiency Center, has been alongside Professor Di Carlo for the two years the professor has been collaborating with NUST MISIS. During this time, the frame of the 10-person future lab has taken shape. Their work occurs at the intersection of materials science and the physics of microelectronic devices, hence why their team consists of not only materials scientists, but also technologists and microelectronic device engineers.

Forming the technical base of the project, the university plans to purchase special printers to print the large-size solar panels. However, the laboratory will be tasked with not only properly creating the new solar cells, but also with maintaining their efficiency and maximizing their service life.

Currently, there are 4 laboratories funded through the Megagrant Program operating at NUST MISIS. These are the world-leading scientists in charge of each:

Superconducting Metamaterials Laboratory (Professor Alexey Ustinov);

Laboratory of Inorganic Nanomaterials (Professor Dmitry Goldberg);

Laboratory for the Modeling & Development of New Materials (Professor Igor Abrikosov);

Hybrid Nanostructure Materials Laboratory (Professor Yuri Estrin).

Each laboratory has shown promising research results and has so far received funds to continue their work.