Emergency Energy Assistance: NUST MISIS Engineers Present Mobile Solar Power System

The Hevel Group and the NUST MISIS Kinetica Center of Prototyping of High Complexity together with the R&D Company “Victory” (“Pobeda”) has presented a self-contained mobile power generator that runs on solar energy. The power generator can provide 50 hours of continuous and autonomous electricity in remote geographical locations, including mountainous areas and accident sites.

13% of the world`s population — about one billion people — have no access to electricity or have difficulty delivering fuel, despite solar energy being everywhere. The idea of creating an installation for an operational power supply in places with limited access to electricity must be credited to the Hevel Group, a Russian manufacturer of solar modules. The design of the installation’s electrical component began at Hevel`s scientific & technical center in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

“The uniqueness of the solutions lies in the use of high-performance solar modules of Russian production — the efficiency of our photovoltaic cells reaches 23% — which makes it possible to quickly charge batteries and provide electricity without burning fuel”, said Dmitri Orekhov, Director General at Hevel`s Research & Development Center for Solar Energy.

The installation is a mobile complex equipped with solar modules that have a capacity of 1.8 kW. It charges batteries with a capacity of 19.2 kW/h in less than 10 hours, leading to 24 hours of an uninterrupted power supply where necessary. A light mast, 6 LED modules and 3 floodlights that illuminate 360° degrees around the installation are equipped on the trailer body.

Due to the high quality of the materials, it is suitable for use in all macroclimatic zones.

“[It is important to note] the trailer`s tremendous off road mobility. Its engineering configuration, including the chassis and air suspension, as well as the quality of its parts and its high-precision technologies allow it to safely pass [any route], which means it can get to even the most inaccessible places. The unique production facilities at the NUST MISIS High Complexity Prototyping Center made it possible to design and assemble the generator in record time. The unprecedented experience in producing a working prototype in just three weeks became possible largely due to the use of this site. It was possible to gather all the parts of the technological process, including the customers, contractors, design office and production, all in one place to talk about a new system of synthesis for research and development”, said Nestor Parastaev, Chief Designer at “Victory” (“Pobeda”).