The NTI Centers for Competences to Participate in the Technical Regulation of New Markets

The NTI Centers for Competences, created on the basis of SkolTech, NUST MISIS and ITMO University, will be participating in the development of technological standards and the preparation of market and technological expertise in the NTI and digital economy spheres. A series of relevant agreements between the Centers and the “Cyber-Physical Systems” Technical Committee on the basis of RVC were announced as part of the “NTI Ecosystem” Forum held in Sochi.

The agreements are aimed at coordinating efforts to implement NTI’s goals and objectives to digitally transform the economy in terms of improving the legislative and regulatory framework for new markets. In particular, the NTI Centers for Competences will make proposals for the development of new national, interstate and international standards, which, under the agreements, would be overseen by a Technical Committee.

The parties also agreed to create a single pool of experts on end-to-end NTI technologies based on relevant working groups at the “Cyber-Physical Systems” Technical Committee on technologies like the Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neurotechnology, sensorics, quantum communications, trusted environment, and smart cities.

“NTI Centers for Competences operate in markets where there are no technological ‘rules of the game’ and our developers have a chance to lead through their creation. The same task is being carried out within the Technical Committee framework. The launch and activation of joint activities with the NTI Centers for Competences and the development of joint expertise and initiation of developments both at the national and international level is crucial for us”, said Nikita Utkin, Chairman of the “Cyber-Physical Systems” Technical Committee and head of the RVC programs.

“Standardization as a direction of activity is important for our Center for Competence. The release of appropriate standards critically facilitates the introduction of technologies in any segment of the market, and especially in conservative areas such as industry, medicine, construction, and energy. Therefore, the ‘Cyber-Physical Systems’ Technical Committee is the main strategic partner of our Center for Competence in the field of standardizing Internet technologies, and today we are formalizing this partnership”, commented Alexey Ponomarev, Skoltech`s Vice President.

“The Center for Competence on the basis of ITMO University is engaged in the development of the ecosystem of applied artificial intelligence, including machine learning technologies, cognitive technologies and big data. The field is developing rapidly and at the moment both developers and customers of these solutions often have different ideas about what the possibilities and limitations of modern intelligent technologies are, as well as how to assess their quality in the absence of obvious standards. The standardization process is necessary to teach the market community to speak the same language and to ensure the further replication, compatibility and complementarity of the solutions [the field eventually] creates”, mused Alexander Boukhanovsky, head of the School of Translational Information Technologies.

“For us and the members of our consortium on quantum communication technologies, it is equally important to develop expert relations and to get involved in the work of creating a regulatory and technical ecosystem, and, above all, its standards. By signing this agreement, we expect to participate in the development of end-to-end expertise emerging in the ‘Cyber-Physical Systems’ Technical Committee around technologies with high potential for development in the coming years”, — said Mikhail Filonov, the NUST MISIS Vice-Rector of Research & Development.

The NTI Centers for Competences are divisions created on the basis of educational and research organizations. They are engaged in the development of end-to-end NTI technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, new and portable energy sources, robotics components, wireless communication technologies, virtual and augmented reality technologies, and numerous other things. The Centers conduct research and educational activities in consortium with major technological companies. The selection of 14 NTI Centers for Competences was completed in 2018. RVC is the project`s operator.