College of Basic Professional Studies

The College of Basic Professional Studies prepares specialists in a wide range of fields related to teaching foreign languages and translation, media linguistics and communication. It is also responsible for implementing general education disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign languages, social sciences, humanities, and physical education) for junior university students, as well as teaching Russian language to foreign applicants and students.

> 20
years of experience in the field of teaching foreign languages and implementing innovative pedagogical practices
years of active collaboration with Cambridge University Press within an exclusive partnership project in Russia
> 10
years of experience in implementing a unique program for teaching engineers English language
> 70%
of teachers with international certificates in teaching foreign languages

Education at the College of Basic Professional Studies

Teachers of the College combine traditional teaching methods with modern educational technologies, helping students master complex subjects. Training in natural sciences is conducted in classrooms and laboratories with modern high-tech equipment and leading scientists and industry experts conducting classes. We regularly modernize training programs, update methodological materials, and optimize the theoretical and practical parts of the taught courses.

The educational activities of the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication Technologies are aimed at teaching university students foreign languages, as well as preparing bachelors and masters in the field of Linguistics. The department successfully implements educational projects with Cambridge University Press, EF English First language center, Awatera translation agency, and others.

In the era of unlimited access to diverse and unsystematized information, the broad erudition of future specialists and the possession of universal flexible skills become crucial. Teachers and staff from the departments of social sciences and technologies, foreign languages and communicative technologies, as well as the Russian Language Center, are involved in developing these competencies.

The departments’ specialists have developed adaptive learning programs for students in the modern information-educational environment, conducted testing of modern blended learning technologies that combine face-to-face and online formats, developed and implemented programs for additional professional education and qualification improvement, including for university professors and school teachers. Active work is carried out with school students within projects such as “University Environment”, “Mathematical Vertical”, “University Saturdays”, “Engineering Class in Moscow School”, “Two Days at NUST MISIS”, “Engineering School”, among others. Students are prepared to participate in international and all-Russian Olympiads and competitions.

This college accepts graduate students for the following English-language MSc courses:

Traditions and New Educational Technologies of the College

Projects of the College

“The programs of the College of Basic Professional Studies at NUST MISIS are developed in accordance with international standards and employer recommendations, focus on using innovative educational technologies and the possibility of learning through individual trajectories. The features of educational programs are the implementation of interdisciplinary modules, integration of technical and humanitarian components of training, active project work throughout the entire period of study.

English-language master’s programs are aimed at training specialists in media communications, international scientific and technical PR and GR, strategic marketing, as well as foreign language teachers, experts and consultants in pedagogical design in the digital environment, development and implementation of online courses, educational project management, and implementation of continuing education programs.”

Podvoyskaya  Nataliya Leonidovna

Podvoyskaya Nataliya Leonidovna
Head of the College, PhD