All foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving in the Russian Federation on purpose of study, work, or for other purposes are required to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A foreign citizen (or a stateless person) is required to extend the terms of their stay in a timely manner, process relevant documents, notify the university of arrival or departure from the territory of the Russian Federation, students’ dormitory or any other place of stay. The aforementioned requirements are reflected in the part of the migration legislation of the Russian Federation.

NUST MISIS has organized services based on the Student Office and passport offices of the University dormitories to help foreign students undergo the appropriate migration registration procedures. The aim of these services is to issue migration registration and extend the stay of foreign citizens, as well as support provision on related issues.

Such services are guided by the following basic principles: “Earliness”, “Legality” and “Care”, which can be interpreted as “timely execution of documents corresponding to the current legislation of the Russian Federation in order and with the content that suits all parties.”

In this section you may find useful information and links to the laws of the Russian Federation for further self-study.

Contact information and working hours

The address of the Student Office where reception of students and employees is underway is the following:

Moscow (Oktyabrskaya-Koltsevaya metro station), Leninsky Prospekt, 6, building 1 (building of the Mining Institute), 2nd floor, office G-207.

Working hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday — from 9:15 to 14:30.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Foreign citizens from neighboring countries who arrived to study in an order that does not require a visa, apply to the passport office of the dormitory where they live to register there and extend their stay. Foreign citizens from neighboring countries can also contact the Student Office on non-working days of the passport office of dormitories for resolving migration registration issues.