NUST MISIS’s Young Scientists Take Center Stage

Science Slam MISIS, an informal competition between young scientists for the brightest presentation of their research, was recently held at NUST MISIS.
Five young scientists spoke about their research in layman’s terms in during the stand-up event. Kalim D`Elia, a PhD student from Venezuela, won the competition with his “From coal to nanoelectronics” topic.

Kalim won the audience over with a comparison of carbon nanotubes to macaroni, as well as a presentation entirely in Russian. In the presentation, he clearly explained what nanotubes are and spoke about the production method of nanotubes—which he produces at the NUST MISIS Department for Mineral Processing.

The second participant — Talmat Shaikhutdinov, a PhD student from NUST MISISand a laboratory worker at the NUST MISIS Department for Physical Chemistry, spoke about the principles of radio signal bypass. In jest or practicality, he suggested the use of radar absorbing coating in apartments so that neighbors could not connect to your Wi-Fi.

Vivek Kumar, a PhD student from India, told the audience about the ways of preventing terrorist attacks. In his research, he used different tools to recognize behavioral patterns and analyzes of text and emotions.

Maksim Khramtsov, a 4th year Bachelor`s degree student, presented his research work conducted at the NUST MISIS Laboratory for Biomedical Nanomaterials. His presentation was devoted to cancer diagnosis in its early stages and the methods of its treatment.

Natalya Ratsuk, a 4th year Bachelor`s degree student and the only female amongthe participants, presented the idea of using a new multilayer metal with high corrosion-resistance to store radioactive waste. This will give society more time to find means for its utilization.

Science Slam MISIS, which was held for the fourth time, is the most popular and visited scientific event held at the University.

NUST MISIS was broadcasting the Science Slamonline via Vkontakte as part of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science`s project. The science battles of the University`s young scientists has already been viewed by more than 22,000 people. The video is still available on NUST MISIS`s official page on Vk.
“It was the 1st stand-up that was fully prepared by students from the NUST MISIS Student Scientific Society: from the speakers’ preparation to the organization”, noted Andrey Voronin, ideologist and organizer of NUST MISIS Science Slam.