PhD in chemistry, associate professor, head of the Biomedical Nanomaterials Laboratory

PhD in physics and mathematics, associate professor at the Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies Department

Doctor of engineering, professor at the Department for Physical Processes of Mining Production & Geocontrol, chief researcher at the “Laser-ultrasonic diagnostics of the structure and properties of rocks and heterogeneous structural materials” laboratory

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the College of Mining

Doctor of technical sciences, professor

Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor at the Department for Functional Nanosystems and High Temperature Materials

PhD in techincal sciences, docent of the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings, Head of the Laboratory of In situ Diagnostics of Structural Transformations

PhD in physics and mathematics, Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Oxide Ferroelectrics

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the College of Mining

Ph.D., Deputy Head of the College of New Materials for Educational Work

PhD, Head of the College of Biomedical Engineering

PhD in Engineering, leading researcher, associate professor at the Department of Metal Pressure Treatment

Doctor of economics, chair of the Department of Economics

Doctor of physics and mathematics, head of the Laboratory of Smart Sensor Systems