
NUST MISIS has entered the top 50 best universities in BRICS countries

RAEX Rating Agency presented a pilot version of the list of the best universities from BRICS countries. NUST MISIS ranked 13th in Russia and 47th among 600 universities from ten member states: Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, China, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and South Africa. The final ranking included 161 universities from Russia.

Discussion on Expanding Scientific and Technical Cooperation Between India and Russia at NUST MISIS

The 13th meeting of the Working Group on Science and Technology under the Russian-Indian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Cooperation took place at MISIS University. At the meeting, representatives from government organizations, scientists, and industry experts discussed expanding cooperation between the two countries: developing joint educational programs, promoting national languages, implementing fundamental and applied scientific research, conducting joint competitions for research projects, and training Indian students in Russian universities.