
Having specified its scientific and R&D priorities, NUST MISIS has been gradually developing its existing infrastructure for a number of years. We succeeded to establish the R&D foundation in the field of our main competences equaling the level of equipment available at the leading universities worldwide, thus having created a vivid competitive advantage of our university.

Ustinov Alexey Valentinovich
Doctor of physics and mathematics, head of the Superconducting Metamaterials Laboratory, professor of experimental physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, academic supervisor of the superconducting quantum circuits group (Russian Quantum Center).
Khazanov Efim  Arkadievich
Doctor of physics and mathematics, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the laboratory “Physical methods and laser apparatus for cancer diagnostics and therapy”, deputy director of IAP RAS for scientific work.
Fedotov Petr Sergeevich
Doctor of chemistry, head of the Separation and Pre-Concentration in the Chemical Diagnostics of Functional Materials and Environmental Objects Laboratory
Turutin  Andrey Vladimirovich
Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory “Functional Low-Dimensional Structures”
Karabutov Alexander  Alekseevich
Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, head of the Laboratory of Laser-Ultrasonic Diagnostics of the Structure and Properties of Rocks and Heterogeneous Structural Materials
Kustov  Leonid  Modestovich
Doctor of chemistry, professor, head of the NUST MISIS Nanochemistry and Ecology Laboratory, chief researcher at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Epstein Svetlana Abramovna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the NUIL “Physical Chemistry of Coals”
Polushin  Nikolay  Ivanovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Functional Nanosystems and High-Temperature Materials, Head of the Research Laboratory of STM
Menushenkov Vladimir  Pavlovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory
Zabelina  Evgenia Viktorovna
Ph.D., Head of the Interdepartamental academic and testing laboratory of semi-conductor materials and dielectrics
Smurov Igor  Yurievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory
Kiryuhantsev-Korneev Philip Vladimirovich
PhD in techincal sciences, docent of the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings, Head of the Laboratory of In situ Diagnostics of Structural Transformations
Chernyshikhin Stanislav Viktorovich
PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Hydrocarbon Catalysis and Processing
Kiselev Dmitriy Alexandrovich
PhD in physics and mathematics, Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Oxide Ferroelectrics
Mikhaylovskaya Anastasia  Vladimirovna
PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory “Ultrafine-grained Metallic Materials”
Shchetinin Igor
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Materials Science, Head of the Laboratory of Multifunctional Magnetic Nanomaterials
Kudan  Elizaveta  Valerievna
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (NOL TIRM)
Erofeev   Alexander
PhD., Head of the Research Laboratory of Biophysics
Vasiliev Alexander  Nikolaevich
Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, head of the NUST MISIS Functional Quantum Materials Research Laboratory, chair of the Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity Department, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Fedorov  Alexey Konstantinovich
Head of the College of Physics and Quantum Engineering, Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Information Technologies at NUST MISIS, Head of the Scientific Group “Quantum Information Technologies” of the RQC
Yakimov Evgeny Borisovich
Doctor of Engineering, Professor at the Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Semiconductor Physics
Sorokin Pavel Borisovich
Doctor of physics and mathematics, associate professor
Salimon Alexey Igorevich
PhD in physics and mathematics, head of the Physical Chemistry Department, Vice Head of the Laboratory of Accelerated Particles
Kovalyuk Vadim Viktorovich
PhD in physics and mathematics, Head of the Laboratory of Photonic Gases, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Quantum Detectors of the MPGU
Shtansky Dmitry Vladimirovich
Doctor of physics and mathematics, chief researcher at the Scientific-Educational Center of SHS “MISIS-ISMAN”, head of the Inorganic Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, professor at the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings
Zhukov Dmitry Gennadievich
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the Research Center for Collective Use “Materials Science and Metallurgy”
Tarasov Vadim Petrovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, Director of the Center for Industrial Technology Engineering (CIPT)
Koltygin Andrey Vadimovich
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of LTIHOM, Director of the EC LTMK.Techn.Sci., Associate Professor, Director of the EC “LTM”
Brinza Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Center for Technological Forecasting
Kaloshkin  Sergey  Dmitrievich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the College of New Materials
Abryutin Dmitry Vladimirovich
Director of the Center “Resource-saving technologies for the processing of mineral raw materials”
Zhukov Dmitry Gennadievich
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the Research Center for Collective Use “Materials Science and Metallurgy”
Levashov Evgeny Aleksandrovich
Doctor of engineering, professor with the relevant major, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, member of the World Academy of Ceramics, chair of the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings, director of the MISIS-ISMAN Scientific and Academic Center of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
Valavin Valery Sergeevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the Romelt Center
Filonov Mikhail  Rudolfovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation
Kuznetsov Denis
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department
Golitsyn Lev Victorovich
Director of the Big Data Research Center. Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Expert Council for IT FTP IR 2014-2020
Head of the Research and production center of metal processing with pressure